WTS -1967 28 foot Timber Sloop Van De Stadt

by Graham
(Victoria, Australia )

WTS - 28 foot/8.53 metres - Sail boat - 1967 Van de Stadt.

Single mast sloop.

Very stable & safe Keelboat.

From experience can take real beating in storms and high swell.

Aluminium mast and stainless rigging.

Working Volvo penta 2002 diesel serviced October 2014.

Heaps of sails, spare parts and bits and pieces.

Sleeps 4.

Sink. 5 burner LPG stove.

Room for head.

Varnished timber interior.

Registered to September 2015.

Hull and deck repaired painted an anti fouled October 2014 using Norglass products.

New Outboard bracket attached.

Needs some more work to make it pretty but can throw in some of the materials required.

Is Ready to sail.

$5000 ONO + $1000 extra for inflatable pictured and 3.5 HP outboard not pictured.

Located Phillip Island VIC. Australia.
Advertised elsewhere.

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