Wood upper rails

by Eric
(Jupiter, FL)

I have an older 14 ft Amesbury Dory and would like to have the wooded rails installed on the upper portion of the boat.

Any advice on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.

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Aug 15, 2015
wood upper rails
by: hotrodstudie@hotmail.com

A picture wood help but give it a shot.

You can make a steamer out of plastic roll and ketel.

Steam pine, half inch x 1 and a half.

You can use fir inside use inch an a half blocing.

Gives a nice look to it.

You can tie things to it and makes it strong.

Also make sure to leave space for ore lockes.

The wood will be pliable as it is heated, you can clamp it to finished shape as it dries.

Like I said, a picture would help, like a roade map.

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