Which varnish?

by Brian Cannon
(Corvallis, Oregon)

Which varnish is better/easier/last longer?

Z-Spar Flagship, Captain's or Interlux Schooner varnish.


What Varnish
by: Mike

I doubt that there is any real significant difference between them.

And I don't believe that there is an ‘easy’ to use varnish.

The main ingredient in how well any brand of style works is in the hands of the user/abuser.

Preparation is the key to any paint or varnish application.

Then begin by applying several thinned coats to establish a good, deep, bond between the varnish and the wood.

As you build up the layers sand between each coat, always sanding in the direction of the grain.

Most varnish brands supposedly incorporate ‘UV protection’.

However, how well this works is going to depend on how much sunlight and weathering your boat is exposed to.

So again it us up to you to maintain the vanish by regularly topping up.

For the average boat (if there is such a thing) topping up with a light sanding and a fresh top coat at the beginning and end of the season should keep the bright work looking bright.


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Sep 17, 2011
Winterizing my 62 Owens
by: Cap'n George

Does anyone know where I could find some informative material on how to winterize my 1962 30 foot Owens Empress Cruiser?

It has twin 283 engines and thru hull prop shafts and props but I'm not exactly sure how to do it.

You can reach me at macart@rogers.com


Cap'n George

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