Sloop Restoration, Keel Repairs

by Mike

Hello DIY Wood Boat Community:

I have begun quite a project to restore a 1979 30' Sloop.

This restoration will occur over the next few months here on the Brooklyn waterfront (Come say hi)

As I begin the initial repair, I've started making a few lists of materials and scheduling the work needed.

I really appreciate your ear and input on the project as this is an exciting undertaking for me.

The main problem / challenge is the keel (I've included pictures)

The keel is a bolt on style made of concrete and iron, originally sealed with fiberglass / paint.

I've ordered quite a few book and I'm researching, but I want to run my current plan by folks / get some input.

Keel plan:

-Sand down, remove flaking metal and concrete

-Light Sand Blast on the exposed iron, remove rust

-Epoxy Resin: Fill voids, seal any seams...

-Sand, shape, smooth

-New fiberglass, three layers, maybe 4

-More epoxy resin from inside the hull, reinforce seal from the inside.

So that's the basic plan for now. I am wondering if there is a better material / substance for shaping and smoothing the keel?

I wonder about material like Epoxy-Cement, possibly to seal from inside the hull or to shape?

Yes, I know it's a big job, but happy to begin the challenge.

I welcome all input. Appreciate you.


Comments for Sloop Restoration, Keel Repairs

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Jun 04, 2021
by: Sam

Use a concrete repair bonding primer, especially on any exposed metal.

But you probably know that already as you seem to have done your homework.

Best wishes with your project.

Jun 04, 2021
by: Mike

Quick update:

The keel is a bolt on style. Assuming the bolts are still good (were so in last survey) I will take any precautions and ensure the bolt maintenance.

The epoxy-crete mixture I believe is inappropriate because that material would be too har to ensure a proper bond to iron + lead/crete surfaces.

I am researching appropriate methods to smooth out and repair deeper areas.

The chipped front/bow of the keel is a doozy. I can completely grind down and form something new with resin... I could also re-sheet it with iron or comprable material and fill with resin...

Deep keel is framed with steal and lead filled at bottom and concrete filled above then bolted to main keel with 5/8th galv. bolts.

All input welcomed. A challenge, I know.

Plus side, the hull is in excellent condition, main frames are of swan oak, white cedar strip planking, single layer of glass on the inside. Cockpit to be rebuilt and restore all wood on the top deck. Sourcing mizzenmast to complete original design.

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