Nice rebuild Alan

A great thorough rebuild on your Harkers Island Net Boat Alan !

Good work.

Following with interest.

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credit repair
by: Anonymous

Hey very nice blog!!

Hi there,I enjoy reading through your article post, I wanted to write a little comment to support you and wish you a good continuation.

All the best for all your blogging efforts.

Appreciate the recommendation!
Let me try it out.
Keep working ,great job!
Awesome post

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Nice progress

by Richard Reid

Hi Alan, just looked through your progress.

Really nice, rewarding for you to see some planks going on.

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made my fathers day

by cal
(lady smith bc canada)

A job well done.
if it were I a template for the boat may redeam you a few dollars there some grace there love to se it finished.

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Love father day!
by: Anonymous

I love father day so much too :)

My wife and son always make a holiday for me!)

I even wrote an article about fathers day.

Fathers Day
by: Al

I hope all the fathers had a great day.

I didn't work on the boat today but we did rent a Carolina Skiff today and take a ride on the Intra Coastal Water Way.

My wife ,son and his kids had a great time on the water.

The weather was perfect and the water was about 79 degrees (that's F by the way).

This day will make me double my efforts to get Salty back in the water.

Happy and safe boating to all those Dad's out there.

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I'm not the only one.

LQQKING AT THE photos and reding the descriptions lends a lot tomy current situation.

I have a Wittholtz design 19'2wood cat boat. originally built and sailed on the Chesapeake Bay back in the 1980s.

When I got her in 2003 there was a lot of work replacing wood rot and upgrading.

Now I'm tired and look at the catboat and envision ALL the work needed for this year's launch. here in NH we have about 5 months of pleasure sailing.

Is it all worth it?

Thanks for putting it all in prospective.

Good luck and fair weather,
Gerry Boucher

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by Don
(Picton Ont Canada)

Reading through this restoration program produced many new terms and insights into the work involved in a major restoration.

The most important impact was to realize that my Picaroon project is so basic by comparison that I hate to call it a restoration but more like a minor sand, scrape, varnish and paint project with some carpentry and fitting of new parts.

Alan - - - - you are the man!!

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It is really starting to come together.

by Al Sabol
(Wilmington, NC)


It is really starting to come together and looking good.

A lot of work, sweat and determination.

Like I said, when you need help give me a call on the week end.


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Very nice work

Very nice work.

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Forward FloorTimbers

by Richard Reid
(Wilmington, NC)

Hi Alan,

I just saw your page 2 progress.

Looking good.

Nice to see so much progress.

Just a suggestion, if their condition warrants it, … many times I have removed pieces, where like you say fasteners remain connected to something I want to save, such as your strip planked bow.

Save/remove delineation is always the hard part.

Perhaps you could split out the old floor timber ends, around the strip planking nails.

Then most likely without being able to remove the nails as originally installed, just cut them off flush if all else fails.

Fasten strip planks back to the floors some other way.

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Going on BOARD :)
by: Anonymous


I with my family finally bought a small boat for you small home in Tenerife (Spain).

I love boats from childhood and hopefully now I bought a small boat for fishing and trips.

For fishing, first of all :)))

You have a great site!

I just understand what is "LOVE SEA"...

Wish you nice trips!

Thank you!

Waiting for new blog posts!

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Nearly there...

by GunnerbBill

Fabulous job, Salty, you are doing a Shipwright's best!

Can you guess the hours invested thus far?

Have you found a use for the sawdust and shavings yet?

I use mine for Big `D`s construction area.

It is also outside under an instant garage`like you have and the shavings keep the dust down.

Smooth waters...


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Gunner Bill
by: Al DeForest

Thanks for the kind comments.

I really haven't kept track of the hours.

There were a couple of months I put in only a few hours.

I usually put in a couple hours two or three times a week after work and bout 10 hours on the weekends.

My wife might say more but the time passes quickly.

My sawdust and scrap go to my neighbor for his bonfires.

The instant garage has been great.

They are cheap and easy to put up.

Mine has been up almost a year and looks pretty good.

I hung a couple of fluorescent lights on the ridge pipe to stretch the day.

I'll have to check out your page.

Smooth waters too you also...


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by Jan Storbakken
(Craig. AK)

Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!

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Looking good, Dad! Keep the pictures and the commentary coming!

Looking good, Dad! Keep the pictures and the commentary coming!

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Great rebuild

Stumbled onto to your page - was looking at old Harker Island boats and found your ambitious project.

Didn't pay attention to your location in the title, was reading and noticed mention of the Azelea Fest - here in Wilm.

I'm located in Wilm and would love to take a live look.

Keep the pix and updates coming.


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Take a Look at Salty
by: Anonymous

Give drop me an email

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Love this boat.

This boat looks great, I would love to have a similar style boat for fishing the columbia river one day.

Thanks for such a great blog.

Vancouver, WA

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Thanks for the Comments
by: Al DeForest

To Charles Gatchell and Marku of Vancouver,

Thanks for dropping in to see my blog and the encouraging comments. It's been a real rewarding project and I love sharing the experience.

I try to add every week but missed this week because I was getting a kayak and paddle completed for my grandson. Got to deliver it this weekend. Always the last minute....


by: Charles Gatchell

Hi Allen,
People say I am a bit crazy, so I tell them to look at your boat project.

It almost looks like you could have used "Salty " for a model and just built a new boat along side her !!!

I really think what you are doing is remarkable and should be lauded in some of the "glossy" magazines.
Best to you!
Charles Gatchell

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Harkers island net boat in Southport

Hey Alan....
There's a Harkers Island Net boat in Southport that belongs to the potter family.

The hull sat in the Small boat harbor for several years before they completely rebuilt it a few years ago.

The boat has an awesome looking house on it that I believe is correct to the era(1940).

If your ever down that way stop in at potters seafood at the yacht basin and talk to Royce Potter.

It was his grandfathers trawler.

They did an awesome restoration.

You can tell him Jesse Mcpherson sent you!

He may even have some ideas about where you can find parts and such.

Good luck with your restore.. I'm still on the hunt for mine..

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Harkers Island in Southport
by: Al DeForest

Thanks for the information.

There aren't many of these boats left.

You didn't say what the boat name is and I know Richard Reid rebuilt a 38' Harkers Island that's at Southport called the Soloman T.

Is this the same boat?

I will be posting soon since I have gotten a lot done since the last post.

It's been a real hoot working on Salty.

Thanks again for stopping in.

I will take a look we're in Southport.

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WOW, you DO have a project!!

Glenn Holland here from the Wildlife show.

I just opened your page and started looking.

Will be following.

love that sawdust,


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by Andy
(Wilmington, NC)


I thought I took on a project.

You have made an incredible amount of progress. Love the hand work on the shaftlog.


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Update 03/11/2011

Wonderful work Alan.

I'm a great believer in using hand tools.

OK, power tools certainly take the drudge out of repetitive and difficult jobs such
as drilling out those old drifts.

But there is something so satisfying and elemental, about using sharp hand tools on wood.

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Sheer Line

What a beautiful sheer line and just look at the flare to her bows.

Who says work boats can’t be beautiful.

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Big Job

by Mike

Keep it up Alan.

I love your attitude “a big job, but we’re up to it.”

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Even during Azala fest!
by: Jim

Even during Azala fest!

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Hobby Steam Launch Event.

Thanks for the update Al,

Good to know that you are still “chipping away at it”.

I'm looking to seeing those Steam Launches.

It is, as you say, marvellous how quietly and cleanly they move.

This one lives on the Thames in the UK

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Nice Hat

Thanks Al, good to see someone working ;-)


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by: Al DeForest

Thanks for the encouraging words about the Detroit.

The tranny is a Velevet Drive and it's 1:1 since there is no extension (or gear reduction bell housing)on it.

I've compared it to a lot of pictures and I got the manual from an on-line source.

Engine still sitting on the skid since I haven't gotten all the frames in.

Need to fit two more and then I'll plank the bottom before fitting the engine.

I'm going with a dry exhaust through the future hard top with a muffler on the top.

Not really enough dead rise to run under the cockpit sole.

I'll be posting soon.

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