Rove Iron or Set

by Don Lawson
(Stoke on Trent England)

Very clear and accurate description of copper nailing.

The only thing you forgot was the tedium involved if you rush ahead and leave the fastening till last.

Do it as you go along and break the monotony.

A little tip for beginners when looking for a rove punch or set, take a copper nail and a rove to your local small engineers and explain what you are doing.

When he stops laughing he will give you a piece of thick wall steel tube about ten inches long which will last many years and fits perfectly over the nail and catches the bulk of the rove ensuring square and even driving.

I have found expensive bought sets to be less efficient than a simple piece of THICK wall tube,

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Boat Building Tools
by: Mike

Excellent idea.

In the old days boat builders would as a matter of course make most of their own tools.

However, those working in a boat yard would probably have had access to a forge etc.

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Peening Rivets

Thanks for the notes on fitting Rovings.

I believe birds preen plumage.

Hammers are used to peen rivets.

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by: Mike


Yea, you are correct.

I'm going to blame the spell checker ;)

I didn?t mean to make it sound like a riveting Hitchcock movie :)

Thanks for pointing out my mistake.

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