
by Ben Roggensack
(Townsville, Queensland, Australia)

This is my boat Pacific.

She is a Fleming designed Sharpie and was built in Brisbane, Qld, Australia in 1961 by the Kross Brothers and was originally used as a Mackerel trawler.

I purchased her on January 26 this year from the Whitsundays region and motored her home to Townsville.

Within ten days of my purchasing her, we had been hit with flooding including the highest rainfall ever recorded in any part of Australia over a seven day period, and this affected several boats including my own.
She went down on February 5th.

I now have the task of restoring her once again.

She is constructed of Spotted Gum with glass over ply for her decks and cabin.

She is 33' LOA and is currently powered by a Fiat Aifo 8061.

I have much work to do, and have never undertaken such a task before, so any advice is welcome. But please don't advise me to scrap her...

Thank you

Comments for Pacific

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Feb 06, 2021
by: Anonymous

Asking for a friend, How many refugees can you fit on it?

Aug 13, 2019
A beauty
by: Anonymous

Good luck, a wonderful boat!

Aug 13, 2019
Resurrection of the vessel ( Pacific )
by: Sonny

Hello Benny
It takes more that simple determination to restore an old wooden boat. It will take a commitment on your part to exercise the patience and discipline necessary to do the in-depth survey of your boats current condition, document the areas that need attention and then develop a viable work plan to bring her back to her former glory.
All this, not to mention money and what will be a incalculable number of sweat equity man hours on your part..

I would be the last person on earth to suggest you scrap your dream of resurrection ( Pacific ), as I’m in the process of restoring two old wooden boats myself.
I have a 1959 Lippincott built one-design Lightning sailboat ( cedar planking over mahogany frames ) and a Double Ended Motor Launch ( fir planking over white oak frames ) that was built by Henry B. Nevins on City Island, Bronx New York USA in 1920.

I would take a close look at your boats, keel, floor timbers and frames as a first step in determining your boats restoration feasibility.
These are by far the most important items of you boats construction, and it’s imperative that these items are sound and secure for you boat to be seaworthy.
The typical process of building these larger wooden vessels, is to lay-up the keel, then affix the frames on both the starboard and port sides with floor timbers., typically referred to as ribs by most.
Secondly, I’d take a close look at the planking and decks to determine their soundness. Without a solid skeleton to build on, ( the keel, floor timbers and frames ), it would be a waster of time and money to tackle these two items.

There’s is a shipwright in the state of Rhode Island in the US named Louis Sauzedde.
He has produces countless videos on restoring all sorts of wooden vessels. I would spend some time watching his videos , as they are more than educational, and will prove to be a valuable resource in your efforts to resurrect your beloved ( Pacific ).

At any rate, best of luck with your beloved ( Pacific), and if I could offer only one bit of advise , it would be this.
Before you attempt a single repair, learn how to properly mix epoxy resins, otherwise nothing you repair will stay together.


Aug 12, 2019
by: Benny

My apologies, Captain Hugo.

I’ve been working night shift and my attempts to add photos have not yet been successful.

I will keep trying...

Aug 12, 2019
by: Captain Hugo


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