Is this boat to far gone?

by Tom

I may have the opportunity of taking on a restoration of a wooden boat.

I’m a bench joiner so I’m pretty handy with wood and not shy of a bit of hard work.

But I have not experience of boat building.

I've bin thinking about it a lot and would love to do it.

But would like a bit of advice from an expert.

Can any one help and send me in the right direction.

Comments for Is this boat to far gone?

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Mar 05, 2018
To have and have boat
by: Mark

Re. the comment about the boat in "To Have and Have Not".
The boat in the movie was built in Newport Beach by a fellow named Payson and belonged to the actor Ray Maland.

She was used as a casting couch for years on the back lot of Universal until a fellow named Don Domyer bought her.

I rebuilt her back in the 80's and last I saw her she was in Wilmington.

Her name is Marada.

I am looking for her.

If you see her let me know.

BTW most woodies can be saved.

Just takes time and money.

Jan 08, 2018
type of boat
by: Jim

It looks like the launch in the movie: To Have and Have Not with Humphrey Bogart - really beautiful.

Nov 22, 2017
is this boat too far gone?
by: mark

well its been a few years since you first posted.

What happened?

Did you do it, is she now Queen of the Moorings, or a pile of ash, with you in tears beside it?

She looks like an old Brooks Cruiser, very Classic.
hope it is all going well.

Aug 21, 2017
All boats
by: Fish man kelly

Don't ask just do it!

Yes there will be many who say don't do it,

It will be the biggest piece of furniture you will ever restore but you can't sail a table!

When your done.... your never really done people will come and day wow!

But really why are you doing it?

To save the boat, measure progress as how many beers it takes to finish one board at a time.

It took me 2 years to do the Teal, I have the beer gut to prove it

Mar 13, 2017
Too far gone/did you take the leap
by: Andrew Robson

Hello Tom, would love to know whether you took on this lovely old boat, she has classic early 1900's lines.

Were you able to establish her designer/builder and age, how long is she?

I live in Colchester and have just taken on a 90 year old 45' wooden motor yacht.

I am based in Colchester, so likely not too far from you.

Mar 07, 2017
Too far gone
by: Cal

Tom the first picture looks drab the second picture shows the lines of a nice old boat there, a few off them out here in BC west coast.

One for sale on used Nanimo asking 13000 but it has a leek and needs repair.

My friend has a similar boat he worked on for a year it’s an office now but needed a lot of work and he had 0 experience but its just wood.

The more time you spend the value will go up and it’s a great deal of enjoyment finding old boat parts.

But take in what Mike said check the keel ribs and find a spot you can swing a cat by the tail lots of room.

Good luck

Aug 12, 2014
Is it too far gone?
by: Eddie Jones

I am a furniture restorer who loves wooden boats so we may have similar skill sets.

The boat is a biiiiiiigg project, but it is only TOO big if you think it is.

Get a boatbuilder to give you what we here in Australia call a 'scope of works'.

It will give you an objective line on how big the job really is.

Second. Make sure that you have a 'cheer squad' of reliable friends who can come along at regular intervals, drink your beer, and tell you what a legend you are.

Keep away from nay-sayers, and if they turn up, put vinegar in their beer.

It can be very lonely [and expensive] out there in Restoration Land, so friends who can enthuse, and occasionally lend a hand, are a treasure.

Jun 28, 2011
Wooden Boat Survey
by: Mike

Hi Tom,

As you are a joiner and not afraid of hard work then I would say that you are already well ahead of the pack when it comes to wooden boat restoration.

When I started work on Mignonne I knew only a little bit about wooden boat construction and I wasn't by any stretch of the imagination a woodworker.

And she did look to be in a similar condition to your project.

However, looks can be decptive, the paint may be peeling, but it all depends on the condition of the wood underneath.

Just going on the photographs she looks to still have her shape, she doesn't seem to be hogged or have any unusual bulges.

In theory any wooden boat can be rebuilt and rotten or suspect wood replaced.

But in reality it is preferable to start with a structure which has a sound foundation.

The foundation of a boat is the keel, this is the first part to be laid down when she was built.

If her keel is rotten then you are more or less going to have to dismantle the whole boat to replace it.

So you will need to get down in the mud and have a good prod around, then crawl around inside prodding the wood to find out how sound it is.

Be especially suspicious of any areas where rain water has collected.

Ribs/frames and bulkheads are also structural elements but as you progress upwards and outward from the keel replacement becomes amore realistic project.

Of course it all depensd on how much time effort and cash you want to spend on her.

If after a good prod around you decide to take her on, before you do anything else check out how you are going to get her out of the water and where you are going to work on her.

You need to find somewhere where you can have her hauled out and work on her without being wrapped up in all sorts of bureaucratic health and safety, and legalistic red tape.

The East Coast used to the ideal place for this kind of work but I havent been around that way for a long time so I dont know how much has changed.
She is a real classic.

If you get her restored and afloat again she will be a real joy to sail in and she will admired wherever she goes.

They just don't make em like that in plastic.

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