Is it possible to re-veneer the outside of my boat?

by Shane

The wood is sound but someone painted it and it looks like crap!

I have striped the paint as good as I can, but it has stains and discolored!

I want to re-veneer it but don't know if its feasible!

Can someone help me?

I have picked out some awesome looking veneer but don't know how to apply it!

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Apr 07, 2015
What type of boat is she?
by: Sid

Hi Shane,

What type of boat is she?

Veneer can be added using a technique similar to the cold molding process.

Use thickened epoxy on the back of the veneer, then staple it in place until cured.

Remove the staples, sand the veneer and coated it with clear epoxy.

But how you go about it depends on how she is constructed.

Is she hard chined?



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