Identification and Restoration of a Wooden Boat (by a complete beginner)
by Ivan Tanner
(Bishops Stortford)
Hi Guys,
Cutting a long story short I have had the good fortune to come upon a boat, a 14' clinker built sailing dinghy, most likely one of the Thames Estuary types from the 30s and 40s.
A restoration had been started by a gentleman who sadly passed away.
I understand the wood itself was found to be sound and have no reason to doubt this, however I hope to have a more experienced eye cast over it before launching.
So, HOPEFULLY, my work will consist of stripping the old varnish, caulking, varnishing and re-fitting all the metalwork.
I don't mind how much work I need to do, be it labour or research, because it might well result in me having a 'free' boat.

However I would appreciate it if someone could possibly point me in the right direction to get me started.
Firstly, could anyone please recommend a book suitable for a novice explaining the type of jobs above; what type of techniques, tools and equipment should/should not be used for stripping, (heat guns ? chemical agents ?) types of paint or varnish I should use, how to caulk, types of fasteners and how to fit etc. ?
Secondly, does anyone have any clue please as to what it might be, or how I could find out?
It's not a Wivenhoe One Design (only 10 planks rather than 12), nor is it a Brightlingsea (too short).
I can of course supply more detailed pics if required.
Finally, my plan was to get it on to my drive and spend the summer stripping it under a tarp, before moving to the garage to paint.
Will a wooden boat be ok under a tarp during an English summer ?
Many thanks,