Diamond Plate Transom Bracket

by Jim Kronholm
(Bristol, WI USA)

I would like to know if there would be an advantage to adding diamond plate to each side of the transom where my motor will mount.

Transom is solid but has some dings.

Would it add stability?

If so, I'd like to see plans.


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Jul 08, 2016
Diamond Plate
by: Jim

The boat is a 50's Wagemaker 13 ft.

I posted before with
refinishing questions.

It's now a red mahogany with five coats of varnish.

I've been watching the AOMCI site for transom bracket tips.

Either cork or (Rhino) liner for a seal.

My son can make an aluminum plate for me.

Thank you.

Jul 08, 2016
Motor Plate
by: Bill

No reason why not.

You could even use one sheet bent over in an upside-down U shape to protect the top edge as well.

Through bolt it and use a bedding compound or sealant underneath it to prevent moisture from being trapped and the wood dry.

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