Chemical stripper barely touches my marine paint...

by Fred

I am now the proud owner of my grandfather's 58 Lyman lapstrake.

I helped him refinish it when I was a teen and now (30 years later), I'm trying to do it myself.

The problem is that whatever paint he used seems impervious to chemical strippers.

So far I have tried 4 brands, all "marine" strippers, with no luck.

I have tried scraping and sanding, but don't want to damage the surface.

Any suggestions on a serious stripper?

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Oct 24, 2014
by: Carter

There are a number of videos on Youtube by Jamestown Distributors showing stripping of paint and varnish.

Heat and scraping to start finish with a strpper.

Look for a product called Circa 1850..rates prety high, I plan to try it.

Apr 26, 2012
paint removal
by: bob farwell

Thanks for all of your suggestions.

I am going to go with the heat and scraper on a calm day.

Thanks to all for the remarks, it's good to have as many opinions as possible,

Thanks again.

Go to my fb page (bobby farwell) and I will add you as a friend.

Apr 06, 2012
soda blasting
by: zebinuk

I am based in Australia and grappled with the same issue when restoring my 1954 15ft power boat.

I went to a Soda blaster.

Great job and no damage to the timber. enviro friendly as well.

cheers zeb

Mar 20, 2012
by: Fred

I was hoping to avoid the labor of the heat and scrape approach, but it looks like I'll have to give it a try!

Mar 19, 2012
by: Larry

Be careful if you use the 3M wheel.

I have found that paint is hard and the wood is not.

Once you get past the paint, those wheels will eat the wood VERY quickly.

I have had the best results with a propane torch and scraper.

Just keep it moving.

It works best on a calm day. Best of luck.

Mar 19, 2012
Stripping (paint not clothes)
by: Mike

I have yet to come across anyone who has had much success with any of those chemical strippers, (nasty, horrible, dangerous things).

Sanding and scraping are the safest way to get paint off, however, it can be awkward getting it all out of the plank overlaps on a lapstrake boat.

Have you tried a heat gun?

Or even a blow torch?

O you could try a 3M Clean'n'strip wheel as suggested in the ‘stripping’ comment by Papapete on Nicole’s Stripping Paint from an Optimist question.


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