Can't find ANY info on my new old boat. 1955 19' Cruisers Inc.

I recently purchased a beautiful 19' Cruisers Inc. lapstrake wooden boat with a1968 Evinrude Starflite X 85 hp motor.

As you can imagine I would like to have any and all information I can get on this combination.

Unbelievably to me, I cannot find a single pic or any information on either the boat or the motor on the internet.

Are my boat and motor that rare?

Can anyone help? I've tried every avenue I can think of.

Oh well, back to sanding and detailing.

An interesting side note, too me anyways, according to the #'s on the stern this boat was built not only the year I was born but the month I was born as well.

This one is a keeper!

I thank you in advance for any help anyone could offer.

Comments for Can't find ANY info on my new old boat. 1955 19' Cruisers Inc.

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Aug 02, 2015
85 hp starflight
by: Anonymous

I hope you love buying fuel, that outboard will surely keep you visiting the gas station!

If your going to do a lot of cruising and still want vintage outboard but better economy go post 1975.

Piston design improved on all 2 cycle engines for better economy and performance.

Jun 10, 2015
Pic is incorrect
by: Mike

Still looking for any info on my 1955 19' Cruisers Inc.

The picture at the top was not posted by me and looks nothing like my boat.

The stem on mine has much less rake too it.

That boat also appears to be shorter as well.

I wonder If I have the only one?

When I get finished painting her, for this season anyways, I'll see if I can post a picture for reference.

In other news I just picked up a 1963 17' Thompson. (my buddy says I'm a slow learner).

At this point I will be replacing many of the ribs and repairing a number of lapstrakes where they meet the transom.

Everyone who sees it says it's a lot of work.

Is it really work if you love and actually look forward to doing it?

Dec 06, 2014
Your Cruisers Inc.
by: dave

This is actually later than 1955.

The picture you have posted above is at least a 1961. The clipper bow was introduced about 1959 or 1960. The Cruisers Inc plackard on the sides indicate that the company was incorporated.

Up to the late 1950's thehull placards read as " Oconto Cruisers".

Sep 17, 2014
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much for your quick response!

Hadn't seen that last link.

Sure would love to get more pics and info.

Does anyone know if this is a rare boat?

Is there a way to find out how many 19' Cruisers were built in 1955?

I appreciate any information anyone can offer.

Sep 17, 2014
Cruisers Incorporated
by: Michael

"Cruisers Incorporated ("Cruisers Inc.") was set up in Oconto by members of the Thompson family.
Many of their boats were sold to the Thompson Bros. Boat Mfg Co. with the Thompson name badge on the hulls.


Have a look for Thompson Bros. Boat Mfg Co

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