Building a MacNaughton 22' Shilling

by Ron

Hello everyone,

I am a retired, 62 year old guy trying to get back into sailing and I am very interested in a 22ft Shilling ( but quite unable to do such a job myself.

The lines of that small boat are lovely and a Chinese sail is just what I would like to have.

Does anyone know a boat building firm in the US that would be prepared to do the job for me?


Comments for Building a MacNaughton 22' Shilling

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Jan 08, 2022
Shilling 22
by: Tomas Vlk

As you continue to build Shilling 22, Ron will build a boat at Covey Island Boatbuilding in the United States.I'm also thinking about building Shilling 22 and I'd like to share some experiences with you. Sincerely, Tomas Vlk Czech Republic

Oct 19, 2017
by: Mike

As you are in Belgium it might be worth checking out François
Vivier’s boat plans.

Oct 19, 2017
Thanks Annie
by: Anonymous

Hi Annie,

I'll have to think this one over very very carefully.

At one time I was a member of the JRA, I will renew my membership an check thing out.

Thanks for your support but I'm not convinced yet.

I'll buy the study plans of a Shilling just to see what I would be getting myself into...

Best regards


Oct 18, 2017
Of course you can
by: Annie

Hi Ron - why do you think you are quite unable to do the job yourself?

I'm the same age as you, and building a plywood/epoxy boat myself. By myself.

I'd only ever built a dinghy before. (

It's not easy and many a day I end up with my head going round in circles, but it's moving forward and I'm happy with what I'm achieving.

The thing is to take it one job at a time - "today I'm going to draw out a bulkhead; today I'm going to cut out a bulkhead; today I'm going to stand up that bulkhead".

If I'd ever said to myself "today I'm going to start a boat", I'd have run away in panic.

But it is taking a long time and a lot of self-discipline to go to 'work' every day.

For inspiration, have a look at the Junk Rig Association website, where you'll find someone has built a Farthing.

Best of luck, whether you buy or build.

Books by Annie

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