1956 Yellow Jackett

by Allan
(Richmond TX)

Found this boat in a barn.

The hull is sound and will turn to be a good boat.

The main problem I had so far was that someone stacked some bags of feed on the port bow causing it to collapse ( sorry for no photos of it with the deck)and twisting the hull a bit.

I was able to repair all the cross members, and after weeks of pulling on the hull with nylon straps (and with a bit of help from the hot humid Texas weather) I got it all lined up.

I reinstall the repaired members and beefed up the old ones.

There was on hole in the hull where a screw pulled through however layering pieces of ply taken from the old decking repaired that, and being both sides where the patch was it will not be seen.

I now have 22 coats of paint (really about 10 for I paint sand paint sand) on the bottom, and have the boat back on the trailer.

More photos will come as I get time.

Been over loaded with work the last few months

I have a few cuts on the port side where it looks as if someone hit a dock. It went through the first layer of veneer. I am thinking of sanding the area down and between the two strips of veneer on each side of the damage area and re veneer the damage area....has anyone done anything like this using vacuum bagging?

Click here for Yellow Jacket Photos

Comments for 1956 Yellow Jackett

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Feb 05, 2012
Nice work
by: Chipper

Nice work...Please keep the photos coming!

You can come work on mine next...lol

Was one of those trucks a 1957?

Feb 04, 2012
Nice job
by: Al DeForest

Looks like you've got things well in hand. It's gonna look great when it's done.

Keep Posting.

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